Brian's Waste of Time

Sun, 15 Mar 2009

jDBI in JRuby

By lucky happenstance, the interfaces and idioms of jDBI work very nicely with JRuby's coercion from Ruby to Java.

require 'jruby'
require 'derby-'
require 'jdbi-2.2.2.jar'

dbi ="jdbc:derby:/tmp/woof;create=true")

dbi.withHandle do |h|
  h.createQuery("select name from woof").each do |rs|
    puts rs['name']

It isn't perfect, I'd hoped the short form (rather than fluent form) of the handle interface would work like

h.execute "insert into woof (name) values (:name)", ["brian"]

but alas, it does not. JRuby isn't coercing the ruby array into a Java object array to match the function signature (String, Object[]). Still, they do play awfully nicely together!

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Wed, 25 Apr 2007

Quote of the Moment

Cynos says...

I believe that the Bush government is deliberately with-holding YARV, in order to increase profits for his oil drilling buddies.

In response to Toby's excellent post on the shortcomings of the Ruby runtime.

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Sun, 15 Apr 2007

Erm, no, not really...

David says, "Rather than just sit around idle waiting for some vendor to fix your problems, you get the unique chance of being a steward of your own destiny," in reaction to Alex (of Twitter) saying Ruby is slow and Rails has no way to talk to several databases. A particular reaction to David's statement is where it went from yawn to what!?

Robert asserted that "when you are trying to build a business you don't have the luxury of digging through a ton of source code and then try to figure out the where the problems are and make changes." I disagree. You don't have the luxury of doing so, you have the requirement to do so. To put it simply, if you rely on a particular piece of software, and you need something changed, then you need it to be changed, and that is that. It is up to you.

Now, just because it is up to you doesn't mean you need to go implement the fix. Heck, you probably cannot even do it yourself unless the library is both open source and openly developed. If development is closed, your "option" is generally to throw money at the people who wrote the bug to make said bug go away.

If on the other hand you do have the option of fixing it yourself, you still rarely have to. An awful lot of the time merely pointing out the problem to folks already involved with the project will lead to it getting resolved. If just pointing it out won't get it fixed fast enough for you, it is downright shocking how many people will let you pay them to write software, so you can just pay someone to do it. If you don't have the funds or access to the information you need, you can play weird PR games to "force" them to do it (this actually works for security related stuff, frequently). If all else fails, you just fix the damned thing. That is about it: 1) ask nicely, 2) ask nicely with dollars on top, 3) threaten or bluster, 4) get sued by Nike, er, I mean, just do it.

The fact of the matter is that you need something changed in a library you use. You use this library, presumably, because it saves you a bunch of work. So you have to do a little work to still save you a bunch more work. (You might, alternately, decide that the amount of work you have to do to fix it is greater than the amount you saved, in which case you accept you made a bad call, and go do the right thing.)

Now, a key to understanding this is to realize that the people who wrote this library that is saving you a a bunch of work did it to save themselves some work. Frequently others chipped in as well. Shockingly, over time, you wind up with something like this, for example,

brianm@golem:~$ nc -v 80
DNS fwd/rev mismatch: != [] 80 (http) open
Connection: close

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2007 05:56:30 GMT
Server: Apache/1.3.37 (Unix) mod_gzip/ mod_fastcgi/2.4.2 \
        mod_auth_passthrough/1.8 mod_log_bytes/1.2 mod_bwlimited/1.4 \
        FrontPage/ mod_ssl/2.8.28 OpenSSL/0.9.7a PHP-CGI/0.1b
X-Powered-By: PHP/4.4.4
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html


where a lot of folks contributed to apache, mod_gzip, mod_auth_passthrough, mod_log_bytes, mod_bwlimited, mod_ssl, OpenSSL, and PHP, so that the combined efforts have enabled a blog. Almost all of them said "oh shit, I need [foo], and [bar] doesn't do it" so went and did it. For the economics of it, go read Yochai Benkler. The gist is "you get out more than you put in."

But, you say, "Gee, I would love to write acts_as_infinitely_scalable but that pesky DHH guy won't let me change things in Rails, only the 'core team' get to do that." First off, that ain't true, they accept patches and have a good record of applying them. Second off, damned straight it is easier for them to do it -- they earned that trust. (Actually, acts_as_infinitely_scalable would probably be declined in favor of making it a plugin.)

They earned that trust for a number of reasons, but I will bet you pennies to bricks of gold that the majority got there because they relied on the project and needed more control over it. Maybe they rely on it because they are consultants who use it as advertising, possibly they need control over it in order to build up their personal ego, not infrequently they just needed increased responsibility in order to become better programmers, but most likely (I am not going to go find the citations, this is a blog not a journal) they were building products which relied on it. I doubt a single one thought about it in terms of "I need more control over [baz]," but in the end, that is what it was.

If you rely on [something], and you see it needs [something else], you do a quick calculation in your head to decide if the value of [something] is greater than the cost of [something else] and either do [something else] for [something] or ditch [something] in favor of [yet another thing] that already does [something else].

Figuring out the value and/or cost of [something], [something else], and [yet another thing] can be a pain sometimes, but that is why we get paid the big bucks :-)

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Fri, 02 Mar 2007

Silly Micro-Benchmarks Part 2

Enough folks have emailed me asking for the details on the totally-unscientific and Silly Micro-Benchmarks I did that I decided to paste the last response:

> Could you share your microbenchmark test suite?

ab from httpd-2.2.4

> How did you test?

Spent about 10 minutes per server configuring it to the best of my knowledge (which is actually reasonably good for most of them) and wrote the most efficient hello world application I could for each.

> Which hardware,

An Apple PowerMac 2x dual core 2.66ghz xeon thingie with 6 gigs of ram for the server, an powerbook 2x2ghz CoreDuo with 2 gigs of ram for the client.

> networking stuff

An airport 8 port 10/100 switch

> , and so on. How your test result can be reproducible?

Pretty much cannot be reproduced in a meaningful way, which is the point :-)


Anyway, that is that. I have been having fun with commons-math tonight while debugging some stuff, so might have to do some more, but with stats to make them look more valid!

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Wed, 07 Feb 2007

Silly Micro-Benchmarks

So, the recent rash of controversial benchmarks have inspired me to do some of my own microbenchmarking. I want to test web servers, and specifically *slightly* dynamic stuff, basically how long does it take to setup and teardown the request processing stuff without doing anything significant with the request (like talking to a database) as I want to isolate and benchmark the actual web part, not anything else. Luckily, there is a perfet test for this, Hello World! All tests were performed on the same machine, and I won't provide the code or configurations (as then they might be considered useful). I did tune each one to the best of my ability for running in the environment it is in (4 core machine, plenty of ram, etc). So, without further ado, results of a dynamic Hello World on a number of different webapp-ish servers, sorted by performance:

ServerRequests / SecondNotes
Apache HTTPD (Worker) via mod_hello_world Requests per second: 18823.58 [#/sec] (mean) This is basically a minimal httpd module which just prints hello world to the response
Apache HTTPD (Worker) via mod_wombat Requests per second: 17856.76 [#/sec] (mean) This uses a server-scoped mod_wombat handler with a default pool of fifty Lua virtual machines
Apache Tomcat 5.5.20 Requests per second: 17644.40 [#/sec] (mean) This used a JSP and a few hundred thousand requests before the benchmark to let the JVM warm up.
Jetty 6.1.1 Requests per second: 12449.36 [#/sec] (mean) This used a JSP and a few hundred thousand requests before the benchmark to let the JVM warm up.
Mongrel accessed directly Requests per second: 2378.05 [#/sec] (mean) This was done via an HttpHandler rather than Rails in order to cut down on overhead
Mongrel, four instances, proxied through Pen Requests per second: 2109.91 [#/sec] (mean) This configuration was basically a test to make sure that ruby's single-threaded nature wasn't the bottleneck. It seems the additional proxying was much more expensive than not using the extra four cores available.
TwistedWeb Requests per second: 2089.55 [#/sec] (mean) This is the current TwistedWeb, not TwiestedWeb 2.
Mongrel (four instances) proxied through LightTPD n/a This was a very unstable configuration. I was unable to run more than a thousand or so requests before lighttpd would start losing track of mongrel instances and start returning errors. LightTPD returns errors very quickly, however.

Now, to complicate matters further. Mongrel doesn't support HTTP keep alive, so I re-ran all the other benchmarks with keep alive disabled in the client and the numbers dropped about in half in every case, the three-way-handshake seems to matter a lot for micro-benchmarks.

Finally, this is a wholly unscientific set of benchmarks which is basically useless, so please don't read anything important into it. Any real system is almost certainly not bound by request handling in the application server :-)

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Sat, 12 Aug 2006

HTTP, Mongrel, and Pipelining

Mongrel is getting a lot of good (and deserved, in my opinion) attention lately as an app server for ruby. One of the things that bothered me about it, for a good while, was this decision, explained in a comment in mongrel.rb:

  # A design decision was made to force the client to not pipeline requests.  HTTP/1.1
  # pipelining really kills the performance due to how it has to be handled and how
  # unclear the standard is.  To fix this the HttpResponse gives a "Connection: close"
  # header which forces the client to close right away.  The bonus for this is that it
  # gives a pretty nice speed boost to most clients since they can close their connection
  # immediately.

Interestingly, the whole HTTP status line and first couple headers are a constant, frozen, string -- short of patching mongrel or using your own TCP connection handling in your Handler, it *will* close the connection a la HTTP 1.0.

I know Zed is an awfully good programmer, so this decision really irked me. I recently asked why this was so, and the answer amounted to ~"because it fits the use case for which mongrel is intended, and makes life easier," which is valid. So, how does it fit this use case?

If you think of mongrel as being designed to run fairly big sites with one dynamic element and mostly static elements, and then this decision works. Basically you have mongrel serve the dynamic page (possibly from rails) and go ahead and close the connection because you know the same server isn't going to receive a followup resource request immediately, those are handled by servers optimized for that, or by a content distribution network. In this case the Connection:close on the initial request makes sense, the browser is going to be opening additional connections to a different host (or hosts for a CDN, or round-robined static setup) which will pipeline requests for resources.

Yahoo! is a good example of this, we see the initial response headers for the front page, made against, return the Connection: close header:

HTTP/1.x 200 OK
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2006 16:53:56 GMT
P3P: policyref="", ...
Vary: User-Agent
Cache-Control: private
Set-Cookie: FPB=3r0o6jmqh12chrt4; expires=Thu, 01 ....
Set-Cookie: D=_ylh=X3oDMTFmdWZsNGY1BF9TAzI ...
Connection: close
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Encoding: gzip

but subsequent image loads are made against their CDN, with hosts such as, and do pipeline:

HTTP/1.x 200 OK
Last-Modified: Thu, 11 May 2006 20:46:13 GMT
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Length: 7857
Content-Type: image/png
Cache-Control: max-age=2345779
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2006 16:53:56 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
Expires: Thu, 12 May 2016 20:29:52 GMT

HTTP/1.x 200 OK
Last-Modified: Wed, 27 Jul 2005 00:18:07 GMT
Etag: "29990d3-122-42e6d2bf"
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Length: 290
Content-Type: image/gif
Cache-Control: max-age=979924
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2006 16:53:56 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
Expires: Sat, 01 Aug 2015 00:46:23 GMT

And so on...

Mongrel is not designed to be a general HTTP server. However, put Apache 2.2 with the worker mpm and mod_proxy in front of it (making sure to strip out the Connection: close header) and you have a pretty decent setup for a high-load system. Just make sure static resources (including page caching) get served up by apache, not Mongrel :-) This will work best when Apache and Mongrel are on the same machine to reduce the overhead for mod_proxy's connection establishment, but given a fast network, the local connect will be far from the bottlenecks for dynamic pages (and Apache is serving the statics directly).

Anyway, nice stuff, all told.

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Mon, 24 Apr 2006

(Ruby) Corrupted by JavaScript

I have been corrupted by JavaScript. Ruby really annoyed me when I could not just add properties and functions totally willy-nilly to instances. Ruby makes it easy to reopen classes, or even instances, but it is not so obvious how to do so without creating a new scope (and hence losing your closure).

The ~standared mechanism is to do something vicious like this:

foo = "hello"
msg = "woot!"
class<<foo; self; end.send(:attr_accessor, :bar)

class<<foo; self; end.send(:define_method, :woot) { puts msg } = 7
foo.woot # => "woot!"

Aside from the fact that this is a vicious hack, it relies on the fact that send lets you invoke private methods (define_method) on the singleton class (more recently going by the alias of eigenclass) of foo. This is pretty much a bug and a violation of the object. It's like object rape, or something.

A nicer way to do it, to my mind, is to use anonymous modules. The really nice part of using anonymous modules is that the Module constructor takes a block which is evaluated in the context of the new module, letting you legally call private methods, like define_method.

moo = "TOOW!"
foo.extend( { attr_accessor :baz })

foo.extend( { define_method(:toow) { puts moo }} )

foo.baz = 7
foo.toow # => "TOOW!"

moo = "MOOO!!"

foo.toow # => "MOOO!!"

This has the same effect and no nasty exploitation of the send bug!

Of course, with javascript, it is just...

foo = "woot" = 7
foo.stuff = function(a, b, c) { a * b * c }

I still like ruby more, though ;-)

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Ruby Orchestration Language Fun

After the Silicon Valley Ruby Conference I wanted to hack some at a declarative language for web service orchestration. Tests pass, but the web service bindings don't exist yet =( Right now it can be used as a nice declarative process for... er, ruby?

class TestProcess < Test::Unit::TestCase
  def test_example
    p = Processor::process :wombats do
      receive :message

      forward :message, :to => :provisioning, 
                        :save_reply => :provision_response
      forward :message, :to => :payroll
      if_test( proc { provision_response =~ /example/ } ) do
        transform :message, :with => :some_transformer,
                            :save_in => :transformed_message

        forward :transformed_message, :to => :server_group    
      forward :provision_response, :to => :helpdesk

The rest of the test case just mocks out the services needed and tests that the things works. Not as exciting but here it is for completeness =)[:provisioning] = lambda do |process, msg| 
      @provision_msg = msg 
      assert process.expecting_response?
    end[:payroll] = lambda do |process, msg|
      @payroll_msg = msg
    end[:server_group] = lambda do |process, msg| 
      @server_group_msg = msg
    end[:helpdesk] = lambda do |process, msg|
    msg =
    p.start msg
    assert_equal @provision_msg, msg    
    assert_equal @payroll_msg, msg
    assert_equal @server_group_msg, ""
    assert_equal p.transformed_msg, ""
    assert p.suspended?
    p.resume "back from helpdesk"
    assert p.completed?

For the most part I am kind of happy with it. The nasty wart of

if_test( proc { provision_response =~ /example/ } ) do
  transform :message, :with => :some_transformer,
                      :save_in => :transformed_message

  forward :transformed_message, :to => :server_group    

annoys me. It's needed to lazily evaluate the construct, using a real if there evaluates it at the wrong time. Astute code readers will also notice I am not testing the transform. Haven't done that yet -- will probably remove it as a first class concept if I do anything more with the code, a transform is just a local service, and services are all wrapped in ruby methods, so instead of importing the service, just provide the transform and voila, your toast is burnt.

Wish ruby continuations were migratable/serializable.

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Sat, 22 Apr 2006

Why drbunix:// is Cool

So, ruby threads have issues. Multiprocessing, on the other hand, works great. I have been doing stuff like:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require 'drb'
URI = "drbunix:///tmp/foopie"

class Master
    def initialize(count=100)
        @jobs = []
        count.times do |i|
            @jobs << "Job ##{i}"
    def take(n)
      taken = []
      while taken.length < n && !@jobs.empty?
        taken << @jobs.shift

DRb.start_service URI,

pids = []
10.times do |i|
    pids << fork do
        master = DRbObject.new_with_uri URI
        until (jobs = master.take(2)).empty?
          jobs.each do |j| 
            puts j
            sleep rand

puts "started children" 
pids.each { |pid| Process.wait(pid) }

To slam though jobs in ruby. Doing it over unix sockets instead of tcp is just nicer =) It just spreads the workload across processes instead of threads.

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DRb over Unix Sockets

So, it is right in the docs, but somehow I overlooked it... You can do DRb over unix sockets dirt easily =)

require 'drb'

class Logger
  def log m
    puts m

DRb.start_service "drbunix:///tmp/logger",

Note the URI.

require 'drb'


logger = DRbObject.new_with_uri "drbunix:///tmp/logger"

logger.log "Woot!"


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Mon, 10 Apr 2006

Metaprogramming All Over!

So, Martin released a first showing at his wicked cool Atom binding library for ruby:

require 'atom'
require 'net/http'
require 'uri'

str = Net::HTTP::get(URI::parse(''))
feed =

feed.entries.each { |entry|
  puts "'#{entry.title}' by #{}"

I like this example more, though ;-)

Meanwhile, Obie apparently leaked ActiveMessagingM-Del a13g. Woot! It's good to see Stomp getting wider usage.

class HelloWorldProcessor < ActiveMessaging::Processor
 subscribes_to :hello_world
 publishes_to :hello_world
 def on_message(message)
   puts "received: " + message.body
   publish :message => "Hello world!"

Cool stuff all around!

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Tue, 28 Mar 2006

Rails 1.1

Rails 1.1 -- released!

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Fri, 23 Dec 2005

Rails Presentations from ApacheCon '05

Copies of my Rails presentation from ApacheCon US '05 are up (finally). My apologies for having the wrong one on the CD from the conference. I think the CD makes up for it though by including a presentation on Drools under the Rails talk demonstration, along with the older version (and probably more useful to a non-live audience) of the Rails slides.

This was a fun, though somewhat scary, talk to give. It was fun because the subject is dear to my heart (I do believe that Ruby (and Rails)) is better for a lot (not all) of the development being done right now). It was scary because Rails is such a hot topic that it lead to a really big audience and probably high expectations. Then Craig and Craig started asking questions. Craig and Craig being rather eminent people in their respective fields, those fields being object/relational mapping and web frameworks respectively (rather relevant to Rails).

Feedback aftward indicated that the presentation was useful and enjoyable though. Phew!

If I can figure out a way to post the presentation complete with the undead (not live, but it looks live) code I will. Right now that would mean posting a 70 meg keynote file though and I don't want to inflict that on my bandwidth consumption =(

ps: an interesting conversation occured right before the talk. It was interesting for two reasons. First, the guy I was talking to (at ApacheCon) responds to an email address. Second, he was looking for someone to give a talk about Rails (not for Microsoft directly, though).

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Wed, 30 Nov 2005

Some (Possibly) Useful Tools

I saw Bruce's post about (the incredibly useful) pbcopy/pbpaste today. They rock! That said, they are not quite what I need a lot of times, so here are a couple quick tools I whipped together for ye shell bangers.

get and put : These are basically a clipboard for the shell. Get takes input from standard in and stashes it. It is like yank or copy in a gui. Put does the opposite, it takes whatever get stashed and spews it to standard out (paste). No biggie, but useful: (I inserted the blank lines in the output, for readability)

brianm@kite:~/src/activemq$ cat | get

brianm@kite:~/src/activemq$ cd ../wombatattack

brianm@kite:~/src/wombatattack$ put >

brianm@kite:~/src/activemq$ cd ../wombatdefense

brianm@kite:~/src/wombatdefense$ put >

Now, the more fun tools are push and pop which are like put and get except they operate on a stack =)

brianm@kite:~/src/jdbi$ for x in $(find . -name Test*.java); do echo $x | push; done 

brianm@kite:~/src/jdbi$ pop

brianm@kite:~/src/jdbi$ pop

brianm@kite:~/src/jdbi$ pop

brianm@kite:~/src/jdbi$ pop --clear

The shocking part is that, as far as I know, these type of tools aren't part of the standard shell environment!

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Fri, 11 Nov 2005

Good Enough

Okay, so this is like kicking a dog with three legs, but I cannot resist =) Apparently, Java is good enough. Michael has some very good points -- the biggest being that languages have become dominant in the past when they have ridden a new application paradigm. Java rode the move from client/server to... a different client/server with a web client backed by a gargantuan app server playing the same role as the mainframe used to, or as he points out, with the mainframe still right behind it.

Apparently Java is good enough -- specifically in the arena of web app development. I think he misses Java's real strength which is that there is a huge pool of mediocre developers available who can do good enough work when given tools indistinguishable from magic =) This is a huge benefit, which is not to be underestimated, and no, my tongue is not in my cheek when I say that, really. The productivity level achievable with IDEA (or Eclipse, or NetBeans) and Java for the Corporate Developer (Sun's marketing term for who they aim Java at, at least the one they say to people) is immense.

So, because we have tools which make the language irrelevant, is it really Java we care about? I think we need to stop calling ourselves Java Developers and start being honest about it, we are IDEA Developers, Eclipse Developers, or, to be completely honest, XMLSpy Developers.

You master your tool and can work wonders with it. I have macros, er, I mean Live Templates, for probably a third or more of the code I actually right. tnuo[tab], test[tab], set[tab], tear[tab], xsde[tab], puts[tab], itar[tab], fore[tab], itli[tab], etc[tab]. Nice. Now, consider for a second an alternate approach. Consider a tool which made it really easy to make those macros, by say, interpreting them at runtime. You'd have to pick better combos than tnuo (throw new UnsupportedOperationException("come back and implement me!");) but funny how it works. Now, that could be kind of handy. What if you can do the same thing for how the tool works?

Sure, Java is good enough. So are two penny nails. Unless you are trying to eat ice cream. Then a spoon helps.

Ruby isn't going to replace Java. Java is a marketing term for Gnome. Ruby isn't a window manager. Well, er, it does play nicely them though, not too bad, actually. Sorry, back off the tangent. Ruby isn't going to replace Java like Java replaced C++. Java replaced VB (which is an awesome tool around a ... hey, wait a minute!).

Java is definately good enough. The key thing is for it to evolve to stay good enough. Will it? Well, the language is under the control of a committee of committees of people who dislike each other. Luckily, we aren't actually Java Developers, we are IDEA Developers, and IDEA is under the control of some very big-thinking Russians. I think us IDEA Developers have some potential, not sure about the Eclipse folks though, they have the whole open source thing going, but it seems like most of the control over Eclipse is by people who sell competition to it and use it as a testbed for new research ideas ;-) So it will either be an awesome amalgamation of cutting edge software engineering research and heart warming open source community goodness, or a bike shed. Overall, not bad. I think us IDEA and Eclipse, and even the NetBeans Programmers, have a future.

Seriously now, IDEA is a fantastic, er, language (?) when you have big complex systems with a significant number of developers. Static typing, good garbage collection, a good compiler, excellent code navigation, and medium-level performance for the actual runtime (note that performance != scalability). It has fantastic libraries via it's Java runtime system, and bindings to most every information system around. IDEA has legs.

I still prefer Ruby, personally, but I do more work in IDEA than I do in Ruby, so take that as you want.

Side not: Fortran still being used because it is "good enough" is bollocks. Fortran is still used because nothing is faster when you need hardcore number crunching. Part of this is the immense optimization that has gone into compilers, the very mature vector processing libraries, the harsh limitations in what you can actually describe in the language in order to help the compiler optimize the code better (us IDEA developers have complained about non-reentrant EJB's, how about non-reentrant *functions*) etc. Most scientists I have met (this is not a scientific survey, I don't know that many) prefer Perl. Go figure.

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Sun, 30 Oct 2005

Ahead of the Curve

Autrijus is a joy to follow. Aside from being, apparently, a brilliant hacker, he is just amazingly ahead of the curve:

Indeed, if JavaScript2 does survive the standardization process, it is entirely possible that it may become the next Ruby... [day 239]


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Sat, 22 Oct 2005


David Balmain has released Ferret unto the world. Ferret is one of the most requested libraries I have seen for ruby -- a native port (not a gcj and bindings!) of Lucene!

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'rubygems'
require 'ferret'
require 'find'
include Ferret

# index = => '/tmp/ferret-test')
index = => 'content')

Find.find("/Users/brianm/blosxom/entries/src/") do |path|
  if FileTest.file? path do |file|
      index.add_document :file => path, 
                         :content => file.readlines

index.search_each("Lucene") do |doc, score| 
  puts index[doc]['file']


brianm@kite:~$ ./ferret_test.rb 

Yea! Now to get David Black to send him my grant...

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Wed, 31 Aug 2005

Love Email Like This...

Just got email from Erin (hint, Erin, you need a blog (here is a pretty one to spur your imagination)):

Contract is signed. We're officially "Professional Ruby Developers". :)

Chariot has its first (primarily) Ruby (on Rails) gig!

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Thu, 18 Aug 2005

One more Enterprise Service for Ruby ;-)

So, let's see, nothing like an interactive session log to show things:

brianm@kite:~/src/ttmp$ irb 
irb(main):001:0> require 'ttmp'
=> true
irb(main):002:0> t = "brian", "wombats", "localhost"
=> #<TTMP::Connection:0xb834 @started=true, @socket=#<TCPSocket:0xb564>>
irb(main):003:0> t.on_receive { |m| puts ">> #{m.body}" }
=> #<Proc:0x0005b2c0@./ttmp.rb:51>
irb(main):004:0> t.subscribe "a"
=> nil
irb(main):005:0> t.begin 
=> nil
irb(main):006:0> t.send "a", "hello queue a"
=> nil
irb(main):007:0> t.send "a", <<-EOM
irb(main):008:0" Longer message to queue a..
irb(main):010:0" lalala =)
irb(main):011:0" EOM
=> nil
irb(main):012:0> t.commit
=> nil
irb(main):013:0> >> hello queue a
>> Longer message to queue a..

lalala =) 

Hmm, that is nifty. So what though? Well, this will work transparently between ruby and Java (via the JMS API) -- right now just on the most performant and easiest to use open source JMS implementation around (just my opinion) -- but with just a couple hours work, any JMS implementation.

I was going to wait to post much more about this until I'd had a chance to push together Perl, Python, PHP, Bash, PLT Scheme, and maybe an SBCL implementation of the client -- but comments on the TSS kinda pushed me over the edge, so I'll just post now =)

The TTMP protocol has changed some since my last post, but the basics are the same. It will be changing some more, but a solid 1.0 protocol spec should be available after this coming weekend (unless I have too much fun up in NYC with Patrick). The implementation for ActiveMQ is in subversion now and should be available with the upcoming 3.1 release -- you are welcome to grab the snapshots, or build one to play. Once I am happy I'll put a tarball up with a default ttmp handler, alongside a default optimized binary (for the Java and C# clients).

Ruby client source.

Ruby isn't the threat to Java, vendors jockying for advantage at the expense of their users in the standards game is the threat to Java. I wholly agree with Jason that Java is being disrupted though.

Ruby is a fantastic language, but not one which will "supplant" Java (I still believe that whatever the next dominant language is, it will look and smell like Scala). I have a sneaking suspicion that language diversity is picking up. Sure, something will dominate like Java, C++, Fortran, Pascal, COBOL, etc have -- but for a while there won't be. Ruby is one option -- it has been my preferred language for a few years -- and I use it where I can and where it is appropriate. That is actually more and less places that might be thought. I cannot think of the last significant Java project I have worked on which didn't have at least some one-off ruby code generators, for instance. Will I stop writing Java? Heck no -- I like Java, for all its foibles and flaws (just as I do Ruby, for all its foibles and flaws). Pick the best technology for the job -- sometimes that is even Scheme (which I used most heavily when my primary role was systems admin stuff, go figure) =)

4 writebacks [/src/ruby] permanent link

Wed, 20 Jul 2005

Trackback Client

So, I wanted to post some trackbacks to and, well, I don't use a fancy blog entry editor thing which can do trackbacks for me. In case anyone else is in the same situation, here is a little command line tool for posting trackbacks: trackback. Unlike the actual spec, all fields are required for this client, sorry, is 10 minutes of coding between sessions =)

brianm@kite:~$ trackback -h
Usage: trackback [options] excerpt

    -b, --trackback-url VALUE        The url to post the trackback to
    -u, --url VALUE                  URL of the response post
    -n, --blog_name VALUE            The blog name for the trackback
    -t, --title VALUE                Show or hide result url in output

    -h, --help                       Show this message

If you don't specify a part on the command line it will prompt you for it -- should be friendly enough.

1 writebacks [/src/ruby] permanent link