Rails Presentations from ApacheCon '05
Copies of my Rails presentation from ApacheCon US '05 are up (finally). My apologies for having the wrong one on the CD from the conference. I think the CD makes up for it though by including a presentation on Drools under the Rails talk demonstration, along with the older version (and probably more useful to a non-live audience) of the Rails slides.
This was a fun, though somewhat scary, talk to give. It was fun because the subject is dear to my heart (I do believe that Ruby (and Rails)) is better for a lot (not all) of the development being done right now). It was scary because Rails is such a hot topic that it lead to a really big audience and probably high expectations. Then Craig and Craig started asking questions. Craig and Craig being rather eminent people in their respective fields, those fields being object/relational mapping and web frameworks respectively (rather relevant to Rails).
Feedback aftward indicated that the presentation was useful and enjoyable though. Phew!
If I can figure out a way to post the presentation complete with the undead (not live, but it looks live) code I will. Right now that would mean posting a 70 meg keynote file though and I don't want to inflict that on my bandwidth consumption =(
ps: an interesting conversation occured right before the talk. It was interesting for two reasons. First, the guy I was talking to (at ApacheCon) responds to an @microsoft.com email address. Second, he was looking for someone to give a talk about Rails (not for Microsoft directly, though).