By lucky happenstance, the interfaces and idioms of jDBI work very nicely with JRuby's coercion from Ruby to Java.
require 'jruby'
require 'derby-'
require 'jdbi-2.2.2.jar'
dbi ="jdbc:derby:/tmp/woof;create=true")
dbi.withHandle do |h|
h.createQuery("select name from woof").each do |rs|
puts rs['name']
It isn't perfect, I'd hoped the short form (rather than fluent form) of the handle interface would work like
h.execute "insert into woof (name) values (:name)", ["brian"]
but alas, it does not. JRuby isn't coercing the ruby array into a Java object array to match the function signature (String, Object[]). Still, they do play awfully nicely together!