Brian's Waste of Time

Wed, 23 Apr 2008

The Shape of Async Callback APIs

When we have async callbacks in a Java API, the idiommatic way of writing the interface to register the callback looks like:

Future<Foo> f = asyncEventThing.addListener(new Listener<Foo>() {
  public Foo onEvent(Event e) {
    return new Foo(e.getSomethingNifty());

I'd like to propose that we adopt a new idiom, which is to pass an Executor along with the listener:

Executor myExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
// ...
Future<Foo> f = asyncEventThing.addListener(new Listener<Foo>() {
  public Foo onEvent(Event e) {
    return new Foo(e.getSomethingNifty());
}, myExecutor);

The main benefit is that you give the caller control over the threading model for the callback. Right now, most libraries either have a separate thread pool for callbacks, or make the callback on the event generator thread. Usually there is nothing but an obscure reference on a wiki to indicate the behavior.

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