Setting a Decent Font in OS X Cocoa Emacs...
Is much harder than it should be, but thanks to Dave, did it!
(set-default-font "-apple-monaco-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-m-100-mac-roman")
meta-x [enter] set-default-font [enter] [tab] [tab]
to experiment. Anyone know how to turn off font anti-aliasing in emacs now?
Now emacs is only less useful than vim, not just uglier ;-)
2 writebacks [/tech] permanent link
via Sylvain -- Bwana is nice (for you OS X folks out there). Need to make a Quicksliver plugin for it now.
1 writebacks [/osx] permanent link
Rails Session Clustering *sigh*
So, one of the drawbacks to using scripty languages for web apps is clustering, right? Here is a clustered session store for RoR:
require 'drb'
Of course that is just the DRb store, there are a bunch of other options, and a nice look at their performance characteristics by Scott Barron =)