Brian's Waste of Time

Wed, 31 Mar 2004

Thomas Risberg's Spring Slides

Thomas has put up his slides from the Spring presentation he ran alongside my OJB presentation. His are much prettier than mine =)

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Apache OJB PhillyJUG Slides

The OJB and Spring presentation at PhillyJUG seemed to go pretty well -- at least based on the questions during and discussions after. The slides are available for download now -- the references to "Thomas" are to Thomas Risberg, who who was doing the Spring presentation.

No one in the audience had used OJB but a couple people had used Hibernate, so I got a lot of "Hibernate works this way, how does OJB do it?" type questions. When I talked about designing applications for O/R mapping I wound up highlighting how things apply in the Hibernate world as well. Was sort of funny. I also learned that a lot of people are not writing multi-thread/multi-vm safe Hibernate apps right now as they tend to use the obtain-object, copy properties onto some web tier transfer thingie (like a dynabean), then copy off of the dynabean back onto the same object from the previous request, and re-persist that object. The problem here is that data that has changed gets overwritten, and worse, objects in collections can be re-inserted or deleted via a "most recent change wins" situation =(

Repeat after me three times -- start trasnaction, re-query for your entity, apply changes to the freshly obtained one, store it back (commit transaction). Do this all in the context of a transaction.

If you need to support long-lived transactions (they open page, walk away for five minutes, come back, submit form) and cannot risk concurrent modification use optimistic transactions and make sure to take the user to a conflict resolution page if the transaction fails (someone updated the data while they were filling out their form). It is almost always a bad idea to just blindly take the most recent submission and store it, particularly when it is an object graph where a lot of things are just loaded for ancillary reasons (ie, in the referenced collections).

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