Brian's Waste of Time

Wed, 21 Jan 2004

Planet Apache Polls FAST

There was a two second or less window where a blog entry I started, and then stopped, but forgot to delete was available on my site (I use rsync to update) when I posted the anonymous inner constructor entry. I was typing the rm and resynch commands before the initial rsync even finished and it got up. Either planet polls really fast, or that was some amazing timing.

3 writebacks [/tech] permanent link

Constructors in Anonymous Inner Classes

A coworker did something that got a good double take today... he put a "constructor" in an anonymous inner class. Java has a nice feature where you can plop down a block anywhere in the class and it gets appended to the constructor, so:

public class Silly {
    public Silly() {
    public void neverCalled() {

When instantiated will print 1 and 2. You can additionally set a static block which is executed when the class is initially loaded, but I don't want to think how that will work with anonymous inner classes right now. Anyway, he did this to make sure his anonymous inner class was initialized properly.

It's only January and I think the scary-ass-code-of-the-year award has already been won =)

11 writebacks [/src/java] permanent link