Class QueryBuilder


public class QueryBuilder
extends java.lang.Object

QueryBuilder provides a convenient way to build queries programmatically. It supports adding query components in any order and will dynamically construct the resultant SQL query string from all of the components added.

Within a single type of component the ordering is maintained, but it doesn't matter if you specify the where criteria before the tables being queried, etc.

As the ordering can be flexible a mechanism for supporting prepared statements is also included. Tokens of the form {foo} will have ? substituted for them in the generated query string. To then bind the values to the query there are two available techniques: a map with the tokens as keys and get back a List of the objects to bind in order via the getBindList(Map map) method; or the more convenient form, bind(PreparedStatement stmt, Map bindings) method which takes the prepared statement and map of binding values as arguments and binds the values in the correct order for you.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String TOKEN_PATTERN
          If in doubt as to whether a token is okay or not, here is the regex used to match tokens: "\\{\\s*?(\\w+?)\\s*?\\}"
Method Summary
 org.skife.sql.QueryBuilder all()
          Return all columns
 java.sql.PreparedStatement bind(java.sql.PreparedStatement stmt, java.util.Map bindings)
          Binds the bindings to the stmt assuming the statement was built with this querybuilder
 org.skife.sql.QueryBuilder column(java.lang.String name)
          Specify a column to include in the result set
 org.skife.sql.QueryBuilder distinct()
          Specify to return distinct results, ie: "select distinct foo from bar"
 org.skife.sql.QueryBuilder from(java.lang.String table)
          Specify a table to query against Joins are added to the same component as From tables
 org.skife.sql.QueryBuilder fullOuterJoin(java.lang.String left, java.lang.String right, java.lang.String criteria)
          Specify a full outer innerJoin.
 java.util.ArrayList getBindList(java.util.Map props)
          Convenience method used to properly order binding values to the constructed query.
 java.lang.String getQueryString()
          Obtain the query string built thus far.
 java.lang.String getQueryStringWithTokens()
          Obtain the query string without token substitution.
 java.util.List getTokens()
          Obtain a list of all the tokens in the order they appear in the query
 org.skife.sql.QueryBuilder groupBy(java.lang.String clause)
          Specify an "group by" clause
 org.skife.sql.QueryBuilder in(java.lang.String column, java.util.Collection values)
          Specify an SQL "IN" clause to include in the where component.
 org.skife.sql.QueryBuilder in(java.lang.String column, java.lang.String[] values)
          Specify an SQL "IN" clause to include in the where component.
 org.skife.sql.QueryBuilder innerJoin(java.lang.String left, java.lang.String right, java.lang.String criteria)
          Specify an inner innerJoin.
 org.skife.sql.QueryBuilder leftOuterJoin(java.lang.String left, java.lang.String right, java.lang.String criteria)
          Specify a left outer innerJoin.
 org.skife.sql.QueryBuilder notIn(java.lang.String column, java.util.Collection values)
          Specify an SQL "NOT IN" clause to include in the where component.
 org.skife.sql.QueryBuilder notIn(java.lang.String column, java.lang.String[] values)
          Specify an SQL "NOT IN" clause to include in the where component.
 org.skife.sql.QueryBuilder orderBy(java.lang.String clause)
          Specify an "order by" clause
 org.skife.sql.QueryBuilder rightOuterJoin(java.lang.String left, java.lang.String right, java.lang.String criteria)
          Specify a right outer innerJoin.
static org.skife.sql.QueryBuilder select()
          Factory method used to generate a "select..." style query
 org.skife.sql.QueryBuilder subSelect(java.lang.String column, org.skife.sql.QueryBuilder query)
          Specify a sub select for the query of the form "where ([column] in ([query.getQueryString()]))
 org.skife.sql.QueryBuilder subSelect(java.lang.String column, java.lang.String query)
          Specify a sub select for the query of the form "where ([column] in ([query]))
 org.skife.sql.QueryBuilder subSelectDisjunction(java.lang.String column, org.skife.sql.QueryBuilder query)
          Specify a sub select disjunction for the query of the form "where ([column] not in ([query]))
 org.skife.sql.QueryBuilder subSelectDisjunction(java.lang.String column, java.lang.String query)
          Specify a sub select disjunction for the query of the form "where ([column] not in ([query]))
 java.lang.String toString()
 org.skife.sql.QueryBuilder where(java.lang.String clause)
          Add to the where clause of the query
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String TOKEN_PATTERN
If in doubt as to whether a token is okay or not, here is the regex used to match tokens: "\\{\\s*?(\\w+?)\\s*?\\}"

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public static org.skife.sql.QueryBuilder select()
Factory method used to generate a "select..." style query

a new QueryBuilder


public org.skife.sql.QueryBuilder distinct()
Specify to return distinct results, ie: "select distinct foo from bar"

the same QueryBuilder


public org.skife.sql.QueryBuilder all()
Return all columns

the same QueryBuilder


public org.skife.sql.QueryBuilder column(java.lang.String name)
Specify a column to include in the result set

name - The column name ("column"), and optionally an alias ("column alias") to include
the same QueryBuilder


public org.skife.sql.QueryBuilder from(java.lang.String table)
Specify a table to query against Joins are added to the same component as From tables

table - name of the table to query
the same QueryBuilder


public org.skife.sql.QueryBuilder where(java.lang.String clause)
Add to the where clause of the query

clause - the criteria to include in the where clause
the same QueryBuilder


public org.skife.sql.QueryBuilder in(java.lang.String column,
                                     java.lang.String[] values)
Specify an SQL "IN" clause to include in the where component. This form will expand the values of values to the form "where ( column in " (values[0], values[1], ... , values[n-1], values[n]))

column - column for the subject of the in clause
values - values for the object of the in clause
the same QueryBuilder


public org.skife.sql.QueryBuilder notIn(java.lang.String column,
                                        java.lang.String[] values)
Specify an SQL "NOT IN" clause to include in the where component. This form will expand the values of values to the form "where ( column not in " (values[0], values[1], ... , values[n-1], values[n]))

column - column for the subject of the in clause
values - values for the object of the in clause
the same QueryBuilder


public org.skife.sql.QueryBuilder in(java.lang.String column,
                                     java.util.Collection values)
Specify an SQL "IN" clause to include in the where component. This form will expand the values of values to the form "where ( column in " (values[0], values[1], ... , values[n-1], values[n]))

column - column for the subject of the in clause
values - values for the object of the in clause
the same QueryBuilder


public org.skife.sql.QueryBuilder notIn(java.lang.String column,
                                        java.util.Collection values)
Specify an SQL "NOT IN" clause to include in the where component. This form will expand the values of values to the form "where ( column not in " (values[0], values[1], ... , values[n-1], values[n]))

column - column for the subject of the in clause
values - values for the object of the in clause
the same QueryBuilder


public org.skife.sql.QueryBuilder subSelect(java.lang.String column,
                                            java.lang.String query)
Specify a sub select for the query of the form "where ([column] in ([query]))

column - subject of the subselect clause
query - object of the subselect clause
the same QueryBuilder


public org.skife.sql.QueryBuilder subSelect(java.lang.String column,
                                            org.skife.sql.QueryBuilder query)
Specify a sub select for the query of the form "where ([column] in ([query.getQueryString()]))

column - subject of the subselect clause
query - object of the subselect clause
the same QueryBuilder


public org.skife.sql.QueryBuilder subSelectDisjunction(java.lang.String column,
                                                       java.lang.String query)
Specify a sub select disjunction for the query of the form "where ([column] not in ([query]))

column - subject of the subselect clause
query - object of the subselect clause
the same QueryBuilder


public org.skife.sql.QueryBuilder subSelectDisjunction(java.lang.String column,
                                                       org.skife.sql.QueryBuilder query)
Specify a sub select disjunction for the query of the form "where ([column] not in ([query]))

column - subject of the subselect clause
query - object of the subselect clause
the same QueryBuilder


public org.skife.sql.QueryBuilder leftOuterJoin(java.lang.String left,
                                                java.lang.String right,
                                                java.lang.String criteria)
Specify a left outer innerJoin.

All joins are specified in the From component

left - column on the left side of the innerJoin
right - column on the right side of the innerJoin
criteria - innerJoin criteria
the same QueryBuilder


public org.skife.sql.QueryBuilder rightOuterJoin(java.lang.String left,
                                                 java.lang.String right,
                                                 java.lang.String criteria)
Specify a right outer innerJoin.

All joins are specified in the From component

left - column on the left side of the innerJoin
right - column on the right side of the innerJoin
criteria - innerJoin criteria
the same QueryBuilder


public org.skife.sql.QueryBuilder fullOuterJoin(java.lang.String left,
                                                java.lang.String right,
                                                java.lang.String criteria)
Specify a full outer innerJoin.

All joins are specified in the From component

left - column on the left side of the innerJoin
right - column on the right side of the innerJoin
criteria - innerJoin criteria
the same QueryBuilder


public org.skife.sql.QueryBuilder innerJoin(java.lang.String left,
                                            java.lang.String right,
                                            java.lang.String criteria)
Specify an inner innerJoin.

All joins are specified in the From component

left - column on the left side of the innerJoin
right - column on the right side of the innerJoin
criteria - innerJoin criteria
the same QueryBuilder


public org.skife.sql.QueryBuilder orderBy(java.lang.String clause)
Specify an "order by" clause

the same QueryBuilder


public org.skife.sql.QueryBuilder groupBy(java.lang.String clause)
Specify an "group by" clause

the same QueryBuilder


public java.lang.String getQueryString()
Obtain the query string built thus far. This will subsitute "?" for any tokens in the query in order to support prepared statements. Use the bind(...) or getBindList(...) to build the properly ordered prepared statement bind values


public java.lang.String getQueryStringWithTokens()
Obtain the query string without token substitution. Very useful for debugging, and highly suggested for error logging in exceptions or whatnot.


public java.util.List getTokens()
Obtain a list of all the tokens in the order they appear in the query


public java.util.ArrayList getBindList(java.util.Map props)
Convenience method used to properly order binding values to the constructed query. It requires a map where the key is the token name ("id" not "{id}") and the value is the value to bind for that token.

The binding process can also be handled by this class via the bind(...) method, which is probably more convenient than this form most of the time.

To use with commons-dbutils querying functionality use the toArray() functionality on the returned list.

props - token -> value to bind to that token
a List with the values to bind the statement in order of binding
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if it finds a token in the query string without without a matching binding in the props argument


public java.sql.PreparedStatement bind(java.sql.PreparedStatement stmt,
                                       java.util.Map bindings)
                                throws java.sql.SQLException
Binds the bindings to the stmt assuming the statement was built with this querybuilder

the same PreparedStatement with the bindings done (as a convenience)
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if there is an unmatched token
java.sql.SQLException - if there is a problem setting a binding on the PreparedStatement


public java.lang.String toString()
toString in class java.lang.Object
select statement built so far with token subsitution