AccessError - error org.skife.intercept.interceptors.security.AccessError.
AccessError() - Constructor for class org.skife.intercept.interceptors.security.AccessError
AccessError(String) - Constructor for class org.skife.intercept.interceptors.security.AccessError
AccessError(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class org.skife.intercept.interceptors.security.AccessError
AccessError(Throwable) - Constructor for class org.skife.intercept.interceptors.security.AccessError
Actor - interface org.skife.intercept.interceptors.security.Actor.
ActorFilter - interface org.skife.intercept.interceptors.security.ActorFilter.
Used to match an Actor
actorSignatureMatch(ActorFilter, Signature) - Static method in class org.skife.intercept.interceptors.security.Rules
addInterceptor(Class, Signature) - Method in class org.skife.intercept.InterceptionBroker
Used to add an interceptor where a new Interceptor will be instantiated for each invocation.
addInterceptor(InterceptorFactory, Signature) - Method in class org.skife.intercept.InterceptionBroker
Used to add an interceptor where a new Interceptor will be instantiated for each invocation.
addInterceptor(Interceptor, Signature) - Method in class org.skife.intercept.InterceptionBroker
The Interceptor passed here will be used for every method invocation.
addMixin(Class, Object) - Method in class org.skife.mixin.Mixer
Register a mixin with this Mixer so that all objects mixed after this mixin is added will also have this facility
ALLOW - Static variable in class org.skife.intercept.interceptors.security.Rules
allow(InvocationContext) - Method in interface org.skife.intercept.interceptors.security.Rule
If the invocation should be allowed return true otherwise false
appendRule(Rule) - Method in class org.skife.intercept.interceptors.security.SecurityBroker


bake() - Method in class org.skife.intercept.InterceptionBroker
Bake this broker.
begin() - Method in interface org.skife.intercept.interceptors.tx.Transaction
Start the transaction
BlockingInterceptor - class org.skife.intercept.interceptors.BlockingInterceptor.
Throws an UnsupportedOperationException.
BlockingInterceptor(String) - Constructor for class org.skife.intercept.interceptors.BlockingInterceptor
Create a new BlockingInterceptor which will throw an exception with the message set to the argument
build() - Method in interface org.skife.intercept.InterceptorFactory
Provide an Interceptor -- will be called on every method invocation
build() - Method in class org.skife.intercept.interceptors.tx.ODMGTransactionFactory
Obtain the current transaction
build() - Method in interface org.skife.intercept.interceptors.tx.TransactionFactory
Obtain the transaction associated with the current thread


checkpoint() - Method in interface org.skife.intercept.interceptors.tx.Transaction
Set a rollback checkpoint in the transaction
ClassSignature - class org.skife.intercept.signatures.ClassSignature.
Matches any method on a class assignable from a specific class.
ClassSignature(Class) - Constructor for class org.skife.intercept.signatures.ClassSignature
commit() - Method in interface org.skife.intercept.interceptors.tx.Transaction
Commit the transaction


DENY - Static variable in class org.skife.intercept.interceptors.security.Rules


EverythingSignature - class org.skife.intercept.signatures.EverythingSignature.
EverythingSignature() - Constructor for class org.skife.intercept.signatures.EverythingSignature
expect(String) - Method in class org.skife.intercept.mock.Mocker
expect(String, ConstraintMatcher) - Method in class org.skife.intercept.mock.Mocker
expectAndReturn(String, ConstraintMatcher, boolean) - Method in class org.skife.intercept.mock.Mocker
expectAndReturn(String, ConstraintMatcher, int) - Method in class org.skife.intercept.mock.Mocker
expectAndReturn(String, ConstraintMatcher, Object) - Method in class org.skife.intercept.mock.Mocker
expectAndReturn(String, Object) - Method in class org.skife.intercept.mock.Mocker


getActor() - Method in class org.skife.intercept.interceptors.security.InvocationContext
getActor() - Method in class org.skife.intercept.interceptors.security.SecurityBroker
getArgs() - Method in class org.skife.intercept.interceptors.security.InvocationContext
getMethod() - Method in class org.skife.intercept.interceptors.security.InvocationContext
getObject() - Method in class org.skife.intercept.interceptors.security.InvocationContext
getProxy() - Method in class org.skife.intercept.mock.Mocker
getTarget(InterceptedObject) - Method in interface org.skife.intercept.InterceptedObject
Return the underlying object.


InefficientLoggingInterceptor - class org.skife.intercept.interceptors.InefficientLoggingInterceptor.
Logging interceptor that simply prints messages to a PrintStream such as System.out
InefficientLoggingInterceptor() - Constructor for class org.skife.intercept.interceptors.InefficientLoggingInterceptor
Send logging output to System.out
InefficientLoggingInterceptor(PrintStream) - Constructor for class org.skife.intercept.interceptors.InefficientLoggingInterceptor
intercept(Object, Method, Object[], InterceptorStack) - Method in interface org.skife.intercept.Interceptor
To pass execution down the stack call one of the stack.yield() methods The return value from this will be whatever the downstream return value was.
intercept(Object, Method, Object[], InterceptorStack) - Method in class org.skife.intercept.interceptors.BlockingInterceptor
Throws an UnsupportedOperationException
intercept(Object, Method, Object[], InterceptorStack) - Method in class org.skife.intercept.interceptors.InefficientLoggingInterceptor
Prints to out before and after invoking the stack
intercept(Object, Method, Object[], InterceptorStack) - Method in class org.skife.intercept.interceptors.security.SecurityInterceptor
Do the work
intercept(Object, Method, Object[], InterceptorStack) - Method in class org.skife.intercept.interceptors.tx.TransactionInterceptor
Do the work
InterceptedObject - interface org.skife.intercept.InterceptedObject.
InterceptionBroker - class org.skife.intercept.InterceptionBroker.
provide interception matches against arbitrary non-final objects
InterceptionBroker() - Constructor for class org.skife.intercept.InterceptionBroker
Create a new, unbaked InterceptionBroker
Interceptor - interface org.skife.intercept.Interceptor.
Define an interceptor on method calls.
InterceptorFactory - interface org.skife.intercept.InterceptorFactory.
Used with the InterceptionBroker.addInterceptor(InterceptorFactory, Signature) to provide a very flexible way of obtaining interceptors on a per-invocation basis.
InterceptorStack - class org.skife.intercept.InterceptorStack.
Provides one way traversal across a list of interceptors.
InvocationContext - class org.skife.intercept.interceptors.security.InvocationContext.
Invocation information used by Rule to determine if an invocation should be allowed by a given actor.
isOpen() - Method in interface org.skife.intercept.interceptors.tx.Transaction
Query whether or not the transaction is open.


match(Actor) - Method in interface org.skife.intercept.interceptors.security.ActorFilter
matches(Method) - Method in interface org.skife.intercept.Signature
Return true if m should be intercepted, false otherwise
matches(Method) - Method in class org.skife.intercept.signatures.ClassSignature
See class documentation
matches(Method) - Method in class org.skife.intercept.signatures.EverythingSignature
matches(Method) - Method in class org.skife.intercept.signatures.NamedSignature
matches(Method) - Method in class org.skife.intercept.signatures.StrictSignature
mix(Object) - Method in class org.skife.mixin.Mixer
Add all of the registered mixins to an object, returning the mixed object
Mixer - class org.skife.mixin.Mixer.
Provides mixin facility for Java
Mixer() - Constructor for class org.skife.mixin.Mixer
Mocker - class org.skife.intercept.mock.Mocker.
Mocker(Class) - Constructor for class org.skife.intercept.mock.Mocker
Mocker(Class[]) - Constructor for class org.skife.intercept.mock.Mocker
Mocker(Object) - Constructor for class org.skife.intercept.mock.Mocker


NamedSignature - class org.skife.intercept.signatures.NamedSignature.
Matched all calls against a method with a specific name
NamedSignature(String) - Constructor for class org.skife.intercept.signatures.NamedSignature
negate(Rule) - Static method in class org.skife.intercept.interceptors.security.Rules


ODMGTransactionFactory - class org.skife.intercept.interceptors.tx.ODMGTransactionFactory.
Provides a wrapper around ODMG transactions for the TransactionInterceptor
ODMGTransactionFactory() - Constructor for class org.skife.intercept.interceptors.tx.ODMGTransactionFactory
For Type 2 IoC
ODMGTransactionFactory(Implementation) - Constructor for class org.skife.intercept.interceptors.tx.ODMGTransactionFactory
Create a new ODMGTransactionFactory
org.skife.intercept - package org.skife.intercept
The InterceptionBroker provides the entry point to most of the functionality for this library.
org.skife.intercept.interceptors - package org.skife.intercept.interceptors
Commonly used and sample Interceptor implementations
org.skife.intercept.interceptors.security - package org.skife.intercept.interceptors.security
The security package provides facilities for invocation-level ACL's.
org.skife.intercept.interceptors.tx - package org.skife.intercept.interceptors.tx
The TransactionInterceptor can be used to implement container managed transactions in any environment that uses transactions.
org.skife.intercept.mock - package org.skife.intercept.mock
org.skife.intercept.signatures - package org.skife.intercept.signatures
Commonly used and sample Signature implementations.
org.skife.mixin - package org.skife.mixin


prependRule(Rule) - Method in class org.skife.intercept.interceptors.security.SecurityBroker


rollback() - Method in interface org.skife.intercept.interceptors.tx.Transaction
rollback/abort the transaction
Rule - interface org.skife.intercept.interceptors.security.Rule.
Represents a security constraint
Rules - class org.skife.intercept.interceptors.security.Rules.
Convenience class providing factory methods for typical rules.
Rules() - Constructor for class org.skife.intercept.interceptors.security.Rules


SecurityBroker - class org.skife.intercept.interceptors.security.SecurityBroker.
SecurityBroker is used to add thread constrained actor information to
SecurityBroker() - Constructor for class org.skife.intercept.interceptors.security.SecurityBroker
SecurityInterceptor - class org.skife.intercept.interceptors.security.SecurityInterceptor.
Interceptor which tests security constraints specified in a SecurityBroker and provides the Actor to the object being intercepted if it provides a setActor(Actor) method.
SecurityInterceptor() - Constructor for class org.skife.intercept.interceptors.security.SecurityInterceptor
Uses a default SecurityBroker set to allow all calls
SecurityInterceptor(SecurityBroker) - Constructor for class org.skife.intercept.interceptors.security.SecurityInterceptor
Create a new AccessInterceptor
setActor(Actor) - Method in class org.skife.intercept.interceptors.security.SecurityBroker
Set the current thread's actor
setImplementation(Implementation) - Method in class org.skife.intercept.interceptors.tx.ODMGTransactionFactory
Specify the ODMG Implementation to use
setSecurityBroker(SecurityBroker) - Method in class org.skife.intercept.interceptors.security.SecurityInterceptor
Specify the security broker to use
setTransactionFactory(TransactionFactory) - Method in class org.skife.intercept.interceptors.tx.TransactionInterceptor
Specify the transaction factory implementation to use
Signature - interface org.skife.intercept.Signature.
This is used to match what should be intercepted.
StrictSignature - class org.skife.intercept.signatures.StrictSignature.
Matches everything except the int flags.
StrictSignature(Class, String, Class[], Class) - Constructor for class org.skife.intercept.signatures.StrictSignature
Basically all args here will be compared via equals() to the corresponding values on the Method passed to matches()


test(Method, Object, Object[]) - Method in class org.skife.intercept.interceptors.security.SecurityBroker
Transaction - interface org.skife.intercept.interceptors.tx.Transaction.
A basic interface used to wrap whatever type of transaction is actually in use.
TransactionFactory - interface org.skife.intercept.interceptors.tx.TransactionFactory.
A factory interface for obtaining transaction references.
TransactionInterceptor - class org.skife.intercept.interceptors.tx.TransactionInterceptor.
Provides container managed transactions for arbitrary containers and transaction types.
TransactionInterceptor() - Constructor for class org.skife.intercept.interceptors.tx.TransactionInterceptor
Designed for Type 2 IoC - setTransactionFactory(...) must be called
TransactionInterceptor(TransactionFactory) - Constructor for class org.skife.intercept.interceptors.tx.TransactionInterceptor
Designed for Type 3 IoC


verify() - Method in class org.skife.intercept.mock.Mocker


wrap(Object) - Method in class org.skife.intercept.InterceptionBroker
Wrap an arbitrary object in whatever interceptors match it.


yield() - Method in class org.skife.intercept.InterceptorStack
Yield control to the next Interceptor in the stack, or to the base object.
yield(Object, Method, Object[]) - Method in class org.skife.intercept.InterceptorStack
Yield control to the next Interceptor in the stack, or to the base object.