Brian's Waste of Time

Thu, 16 Mar 2006

jDBI 2.0 Accidental Feature

I got an accidental feature in the upcoming 2.0 jDBI when I implemented forward-only external iteration (via an iterate() method on Query:

    public void testIteratorBehavior2() throws Exception
        h.insert("insert into something (id, name) values (1, 'keith')");
        h.insert("insert into something (id, name) values (2, 'eric')");

        ResultIterator<Something> i = h.createQuery("select * from something order by id")

        Something first =;
        assertEquals("keith", first.getName());
        Something second =;
        assertEquals(2, second.getId());


I realized that providing the iterate method provided all that was needed for Iterable, so we also get...

    public void testIterable() throws Exception
        int count = 0;
        h.insert("insert into something (id, name) values (1, 'keith')");
        h.insert("insert into something (id, name) values (2, 'keith')");

        for (Something s : h.createQuery("select * from something").map(Something.class))
            assertEquals("keith", s.getName());
        assertEquals(2, count);

Nifty! Looking forward to getting this release out =)

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